Wow! What an unusual time we’re living in! If you had told me that last month all of my appointments for the remainder of March and through May would be cancelled, all with in 72 hours, I would’ve never believed it! But that’s exactly what happened. Oh, I went through a range of emotions: fear, anger, discouragement...not to mention I thought I was going to physically be sick. The situation was totally out of my control. And all this on top of the concerns I already had about keeping my family safe.
I didn’t know what to do, except to turn to the Lord. I’ve trusted Him since the moment I invited Him into my heart! Then these words from the Casting Crown’s song, “Praise You In This Storm”, kept running through my mind and penetrating my heart...

Those words of comfort and reassurance are from Psalm 121, which is a psalm about how God is the help of those who seek Him. I encourage you to read it! So, though my situation hadn’t changed a bit, through power of the Lord, my outlook was transformed! I had peace that only Jesus gives, the peace that passes all understanding. I knew God would take care of me!
About a week later, I got a call from a pastor in Toccoa, Georgia who wanted to have an online revival, and asked me if I’d like to be a part of it. I was so encouraged by his faith and his yearning to see people come to know the Lord during this time of social distancing. I’m grateful for his heart for the lost and for his belief in the office of the evangelist!
God is loving me through you during this time, and I am so humbled! Thank you for believing in my ministry, and for your support during this time. I could not survive without your help. Continue to pray for our ministry and family. God is still in the saving business, and we still have a clear mission and purpose to lead people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ!
The Lord will not slumber nor sleep. He is our keeper! We pray that God will guard you and your family, and protect you from all danger, keeping you safe. We pray He continues to bless your family with peace, joy, and good favor. We love you!